For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 Before diving into creating new goals, let’s take a fresh look at our purpose and calling. Perhaps you will uncover new areas that you have yet to give serious thought to. You were created ON purpose FOR purpose. God has set apart good works for you to do in your life. And they may shift from season to season, but they are all a part of how He created you. Your calling is found in the sweet spot at the intersection of your passions, your gifts & experiences, and where there is a need. Leadership consultant Michael Hyatt says that your calling has four characteristics:
The following section includes questions and brainstorm prompts to think through your passion, gifting, what your heart breaks for, etc. It can be a space to refer to and update periodically. It might help guide you in determining new goals to begin stepping into your calling. Take a stab at responding to each section, even if you have to come back to a few of them at different times. Some may seem a bit repetitive, but often a slight shift in the question can help you think about it differently. Remember, you don’t have to answer them all at once. You may want to spend time thinking and praying about some areas and come back to them. Click the button below to download worksheets to capture your thoughts. Your Passion
Gifts & Experiences
Friend ChatOften other people can see things in you that you can’t see in yourself. Grab a trusted friend or two and ask them what they see as your passion and gifting. Here are a few questions you can ask them:
Passion & Purpose BrainstormTake a look at all of your responses and write down some options that seem to cover these areas. Keep an open mind…don’t be shy. This is a space to explore and generate ideas. Often one idea leads to another until you uncover gold. It will help you think through possible goals for the year to start moving in the direction of your calling. Passion & Purpose CommunityLook for others who share your passion and calling space. Spend time together to toss out ideas and dream together during the year. Perhaps you can even team up to get experience together and share resources and tips.