5 “I will do whatever you say,” Ruth answered. 6 So she went down to the threshing floor and did everything her mother-in-law told her to do. Ruth is obedient. She submits to Naomi’s authority. She loves Naomi and trusts that Naomi has her best interests in mind. Ruth makes herself know to Boaz and tells him that he is a guardian-redeemer of their family. She follows Naomi’s general command, but doesn’t act deceptively.
Who in your life do you trust to say, “I will do whatever you say”? Maybe a parent, maybe a good friend. The problem is that as humans we are all flawed and we all make mistakes. But God is perfect, and always has our best interests in mind. His character never changes. We can submit to authority and maintain our character. We should take the attitude of “I will do whatever you say” and apply it to God’s Word. That is the only way to live a full life in who we were created from the beginning to be. The instructions Naomi gives Ruth are in essence to let Boaz know she is interested and that he is a guardian-redeemer. She is basically asking him to marry her. Like the laws God gave the Jews about gleaning in the fields to provide food for the less fortunate, He also put in place a way for widows to be taken care of and the family name to be preserved where there were no heirs through the guardian-redeemer. As you read through the book of Ruth, think about the idea of a redeemer. Think about how this is a foreshadowing of Jesus, our ultimate redeemer. Where in the story so far have you seen glimpses of Jesus? How much do you long for a redeemer to deliver, rescue, protect and provide for you? Who do you usually turn to for this (friends, self-help resources, guys, parents, God)? Have you ever encountered a time where obedience to authority clashed with what God tells you to do? How did you handle the situation?