14 So she lay at his feet until morning, but got up before anyone could be recognized; and he said, “No one must know that a woman came to the threshing floor.” At this point, Naomi is probably freaking out, anxiously awaiting Ruth’s return and the direction of the future for both of them. Will her plan work?
How hard is it for you to wait for something you really want? How long can you go waiting before you start to scheme plans to move things along quicker? Meanwhile, back at the threshing floor Boaz continues to protect Ruth with dignity and respect. He wants to make sure no one misinterprets her presence to protect her reputation. He makes sure Ruth leaves with provisions for her and her mother-in-law. He sends her off with more barley…more meals. They won’t be going hungry on his watch. He may not be the official redeemer yet, but he intends to take care of them. Naomi is encouraged. Things just may indeed change for this bitter woman trying to heal from a devastating set of circumstances. She is confident Boaz won’t just let it lie. He will not rest until the matter is settled. And settled immediately. How about you? Are you a procrastinator or do you work diligently and without haste? Do you know people who you trust will take action to do the right thing? Are you the kind of person friends can trust to promptly do the right thing? Ruth didn’t sit around and wait for things to happen, and neither will Boaz. Both maintained strong, Godly character throughout. I don’t know about you but I am seriously cheering them on. The tension is building. How will it all play out?