After a 15+-year friendship and a shared love of the Lord, Shannon Jennings and Joani Ross decided to join forces and create ...but God with the mission of providing tools and resources to help women and teens SIMPLY go DEEP in their relationship with their Creator and Savior. Our heart's desire is for a discovery, revival and renewed love for God and His Word. We want to bring as many on this journey with us as we can.
Things are crumbling around me...but God restores.
Voices around me are telling me I don’t belong...but God says I am an heir to His throne.
I feel utterly unqualified...but God gives me His vision and power.
People around me are trying to harm me...but God is my safe refuge.
I feel stuck...but God has prepared good works for me to step into.
My family has hurt me...but God is a good good Father.
I am weak and afraid...but God says, “Be still; I will fight for you.”
I feel unworthy...but God says I am fearfully and wonderfully made; created in HIS image and likeness.
I feel alone, lonely, abandoned...but God is always with me. He will never leave me or forsake me.
Whatever circumstance you find yourself in, know there is always a “...but God” on the other end.
At ...but God Ministry, our goal is to provide Biblical tool and resources to SIMPLY go DEEP in your relationship with God.
Voices around me are telling me I don’t belong...but God says I am an heir to His throne.
I feel utterly unqualified...but God gives me His vision and power.
People around me are trying to harm me...but God is my safe refuge.
I feel stuck...but God has prepared good works for me to step into.
My family has hurt me...but God is a good good Father.
I am weak and afraid...but God says, “Be still; I will fight for you.”
I feel unworthy...but God says I am fearfully and wonderfully made; created in HIS image and likeness.
I feel alone, lonely, abandoned...but God is always with me. He will never leave me or forsake me.
Whatever circumstance you find yourself in, know there is always a “...but God” on the other end.
At ...but God Ministry, our goal is to provide Biblical tool and resources to SIMPLY go DEEP in your relationship with God.