A Study of Paul's Letter to the Colossians
Paul writes this letter to Colossae, a church community not founded by him, and likely not visited by him in person. Chronologically, it was written somewhere in the middle of the pack of his letters in the Bible. He wrote this letter while in prison in Rome.
Colossae sits about 100 miles east of Ephesus. The church was under attack by false teachers, challenging the deity of Jesus and claiming that He wasn’t from God. |
Chuck Swindoll describes the big idea of Colossians as, “In this book, the apostle Paul described Jesus with some of the loftiest language in all the New Testament, focusing on Christ’s preeminence and sufficiency in all things. Paul presented Christ as the center of the universe, not only as the active Creator but also as the recipient of creation—in His taking on of human flesh. Christ was and is the visible image of the invisible God, containing within Himself the fullness of Deity (Colossians 2:9). Because of His divine nature, Jesus is sovereign, above all things with an authority given Him by the Father. As such, Jesus is also Head over the church. He has reconciled all things to Himself through His death on the cross, making believers alive to God and setting them on the path to right living. This proper view of Christ served as the antidote for the Colossian heresy as well as a building block for Christian life and doctrine both then and now.”
In this study we explore verse by verse the book of Colossians. At the start of each passage, take time to slowly read the verses several times and reflect on them. Journal your initial thoughts as you read each section. Ask God to reveal truth to you as you think through each passage.
Because He is first and BEFORE ALL THINGS, let’s make it a practice and habit to seek Him first.
Next stop, the Roman prison where Paul sits in prayer for the Church and ready to pen a letter to fellow brothers and sisters in Colossae.
In this study we explore verse by verse the book of Colossians. At the start of each passage, take time to slowly read the verses several times and reflect on them. Journal your initial thoughts as you read each section. Ask God to reveal truth to you as you think through each passage.
Because He is first and BEFORE ALL THINGS, let’s make it a practice and habit to seek Him first.
Next stop, the Roman prison where Paul sits in prayer for the Church and ready to pen a letter to fellow brothers and sisters in Colossae.