.Jesus said the most important commandments are to love God with our all and to love others. He says that everything flows from this. It is about putting first things first. CS Lewis said, “Put first things first and second things are thrown in. Put second things first and you lose both first and second things.” I’m regularly convicted that I spend a lot of time and energy on “second” things, leaving little time for “first” things. An amazing woman and friend passed away this week. As I scroll through the sweet messages and comments on her social media, I have this overwhelming feeling that I wish she heard these things. Often. I wish she heard what a great person and mom and friend and light and encourager she was. I wish these messages were daily declared over her and to her. I wish I was more persistent in making the coffee plans we texted about. I wish I told her how incredible I thought she was. Let’s not miss it anymore, friends. Let’s tell people how amazing they are and how much they matter to us and how much we admire them. Let’s not assume they know. An easy idea in this season of “social distancing” could be to flood inboxes with what we notice and love about each other. Let’s put first things first. Let’s love each other better.