Below are resources to accompany the TIPS FOR PARENTS section in each LAUNCH chapter.
Introduction: Prayer Journal & Bible for Your Child
If you are marking up a Bible to give to your child with some of the Scripture and prayers you lifted for them, we have some great resources as part of our IMPRINT series. Click on the image below for free lettering downloads and links to journaling supplies.
You may decide to keep a separate prayer journal for your child to record specific Scripture and prayers you lifted up for them over the years. Click on the link below if you are interested in the prayer journal we created to accompany the LAUNCH workbook. (Note: Coming in October)
Chapter 1: Devotionals for Children and Teens
Following are links to some of our favorite devotionals for children and teens referenced in the chapter 1 Tips for Parents section of the LAUNCH book. Click on each image for more information.
Chapter 4: Purpose
Following is a card with some questions to ask your child to spark discussion about things they are passionate about and how they can begin thinking about using them for God's kingdom and glory. You can tweak the questions to best fit your child's age and current circumstances. Hopefully responses to the questions will bring up additional follow up questions and discussion on the topic. Click on the image link to download a PDF copy of the questions. |
Chapter 5: Hurt / Forgiveness / Waiting
Here are a few ideas to MARK THE MOMENT to remember how God was faithful to get you through tough times and He will be faithful again...
Take a small trip to celebrate and make a memory.
Create an art project -- a bookmark, key chain, painted rock, etc. -- to remember the moment.
Take a photo to remember and write on the back or frame your praise to God.
Take a small trip to celebrate and make a memory.
Create an art project -- a bookmark, key chain, painted rock, etc. -- to remember the moment.
Take a photo to remember and write on the back or frame your praise to God.
Chapter 6: Friendship / Community
Following are resources to help facilitate small group studies for all ages to help foster Christian community. Click on the images for more information. You can search studies by children, teen, and young adult as well as by topic.
Chapter 7: Gratitude Journal & Jar
As mentioned in LAUNCH chapter 7, an easy way to practice gratitude as a family is to keep an open gratitude journal or gratitude car in a common space in your home. Family members can jot down things they are grateful for throughout the week. It will be great reminder to be thankful and will be so fun to go back and read through your family gratitude notes together from time to time. Here are some ideas to get you thinking....
Chapter 8: Temptation / Idols / Self-Care
Make a habit of creating a Sabbath day for your family. Consider limiting electronics and enjoying quality and restful family time. Make dinner easy -- perhaps soup, salad and sub Sundays -- and enjoy good conversation with each other. The ...but God app has a link with exclusive free access to our Well Hello book with over 300 conversation starter questions. You can take turns reading questions and answering them as a family. Click on the image below to download the app.