“The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.” Matthew 13:31-32
More clues from Jesus about the Kingdom of Heaven… The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of a mustard seed. The tiniest, least significant seed that slowly grows into the largest of garden plants. It is like leaven. A minuscule ingredient placed in a large amount of flour that changes the entire composition of the bread. Our kingdom growth—our relationship and transformation -- isn’t instantaneous. It takes time. It takes abiding. It takes faithful obedience. It takes a humble and open heart. It takes valuing it over all earthly things. As kingdom people, we may seem small and insignificant according to the world’s standards, but we have great power and potential. We diligently do our thing, then before we know it, we are changed; people around us are changed. That tiny mustard seed is a towering tree, providing resting places and shade. That leaven has altered the bread. Those steps in abiding, faith, and obedience have transformed us; saved us; inspired us to invite others to join us. Small but mighty; full of potential and power…a tiny seed, a simple ingredient, a baby in Bethlehem, uneducated disciples, you and me. Waiting to bust out of that small, simple beginning is something incredibly significant. Will we be a part of it or will we let it pass us by? Questions: Have you ever experienced little things making a huge impact? It is encouraging that our Christian walk is intended to be slow and steady? What speaks most powerfully to you about these kingdom of Heaven examples from Jesus?
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December 2021