Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12
Let no one despise your _________. In this letter Paul tells Timothy to let no one despise his youth. What is the blank for you? The thing that may make you a little insecure and afraid to step into your calling? Age, experience, pedigree, personality, education, resources, past mistakes, other opinions? I believe in all of us are things we want to do – things we feel the Spirit nudging us to do. We start off so passionate, but then doubt creeps in. The whispers of the devil telling us we can’t do it. We think things like… When I get a little older When I get more experience When I pay off this debt When I have more support When I graduate When I get married When we get that house When I get that better job When the kids get older When the opportunity falls in my lap If only I started sooner If only I were younger If only I didn’t have all these commitments If only I didn’t make all those mistakes We are paralyzed by the “when” and “if only.” But Paul says, “Do not neglect the gift you have.” (1 Timothy 4:14) These gifts are from God. Don’t let them gather dust and never bloom into what God gave them to you for. Make today the day you say, “I will no longer neglect the gift I have!” Do your thing. Do it even if you are scared. Do it even if you think others will mock you. Do it even if you don’t feel experienced enough. God will equip you for what He calls you to. Questions: What keeps you from stepping into things God is calling you to? What are your “if only/what ifs”?
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December 2021